When you turn on the news you may feel like giving up, but what if you simply UP your GIVING instead by committing to a monthly donation to support our projects and activities?
Met ServeNow kun je je gemakkelijk inschrijven voor vrijwilligerswerk, contact opnemen met projectleiders en info en updates krijgen over onze organisatie en activiteiten!
Vrijwilligerswerk was nog nooit zo makkelijk!
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This year we welcomed, for the first time, two volunteers who came as a part of the European Solidarity Corps programme. Meet the two new members of our team!
As we step into 2024, we can’t help but look back on 2023 and be inspired by all that the Serve the City community achieved in 12 months. It was a year of up and downs, but what truly stands out [...]
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Serving Stories
Serving Stories is een podcast van Serve the City International met verhalen over vrijwilligerswerk van de Serve the City-beweging van over de hele wereld.
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